Monday 31 October 2011

yeah ! they awesome !

woaaahhh ! sebenarnye aq tengah dok mengulit kalendar hp, tengah dok kira bape hari lagi nak balek. ya ampun. since balek cni, until now, aq tak balek jumpe mama dan ayah. hukhuk bapak sedih ohh. aq start sem aritu 12hb september, right now, the end of october and november will come tomorrow. kau kira lah bape hari aq tak balek ?

* ceitt. padahal baru je nak dekat dua bulan tak balek kot
* yang dok belajar kat oversea tuh tak balek a few years tak kecoh cm kau lah !

# huwarghhh. itu depa. ni aq yang tengah tertonggeng rindukan my parents.

tadi aq call my mum, than she didn't pick up my call. then i call my dad. wheeeww. siyesly rindu. selalu kalau aq call mama, memang tak pena aq cakap dengan ayah, sebab tataw nak cakap ape. tadi aq call hp ayah, then my adek picked the call. he was revising his lesson. ohh myyy. he is exam. finaal kott. hekhekhek

* dok sebok gelak kat adek. mementang aq dah habis test n kuiz. so, afterwards till nak balek kamis ni, no more kuiz or test. yabedaaabeduuuuu. uhuwww

ayah : yes. what do u want ?

me : i wanna talk with u laa.

ayah : ye. i am. 

me : ayah. i wana go back !! ( tetibe rase nak nanges bile ngadu kat ayah )

ayah : go back laa. 5 days moree what.

me : it's long to waitt. 

ayah : kakak, nty balek kite g makan steamboat kat kulai. last few days, ayah g makan ngn abg, mama, adik n kak izza with zafran. then i thought bout u. 

me : yoshhh ! awesome. 

* ayah aq akan ingat kat anak anak dy kalau kua makan. if sorang anak dy tade tym dy makan, mesty dy susah hati. here i mean makan yang sedap sedap la. kalau makan nasi tu, tak de laa. dari dulu sampai now. pena mase tu kua makan, ayah aq ingat kat abang aq. 

then he said, " ohh abg dah kawen. " so, memang jarang lah nak dapat makan sama. huhu. how a dad can remember his children when they are not around. kite yang dok jauh ni, ingat tak kat ayah and mama kite yang jauh. i miss them damn muchhh !

* i miss to tido beside mama sambil peluk her lengan.
* i miss to membebel dengan ayah when dok lepak depan tb
* i miss to hear " kakak, jom kua "
* i miss to bangun tido when ayah shouting " kakak !! bangun. tengah hari dah ni ! " ( uishhh. embrassing kan hahaha )
* i miss to drink teh tarik by ayah's hand. sedappp ouh
* i miss to breakfast with roti telur made by mom. auhhhh. lapaaa

wherever i go, they always in my mind. whoever i with, they always in my heart to 'guide' me on the right path. whenever i sad, their spirit is always make me strong. whatever i do, they never forget bout me. 

" OH YA ALLAH. save my parents. i love them. "

they are the person that i love most ! they awesome. they my spirit. without them, i never know this life. when they scold, i know they love me much n much.

1 comment:

memang bulat lah mata korang yang komen. haa. komen lah lagi dengan mate yang bulat. ^^

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